
James Clear


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There never seems to ever be enough time to accomplish everything we need to get done. Yet there are activities we do every day that continually waste our most precious resource because we have built them into our routine and they have become habit.

In order to unlock more time in our day, we have to take a hard look at what we are doing and how it plays into our daily balance of activities. For me, time sinks usually fall into to a few major categories. Work inefficiencies, pleasure binging, and boredom.

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If you are like the majority of Americans, you haven’t started your day until you have had a cup of coffee. Statistics show that as of 2019, 64% of Americans drink coffee and consume upwards of 146 BILLION cups per year. An approval rating like that would make even the best of politicians jealous.

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I’ve stared for many months trying to determine what this blog was going to look like, what it should focus on and who my audience would be. After many months of staring at a blank page, it is time to get off the fence.

I still don’t have answers to any of these questions but after listening to one of Tim Ferriss’ podcast episodes with best-selling author and entrepreneur Seth Godin, something struck a chord with me. He said “Writer’s block is something that exists but isn’t real. What writer’s block really is, is a fear of bad writing.”

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